Have a look at some of my favorite tools.
These I find awesome, and frequently use in projects.
These are some of the projects I have worked on with Kult Byrå. My role focused solely on coding and no design.

Cloud Connection
Cloud Connection is your partner in ERP, CRM, and Payroll.
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Opplæringssenteret for visuell kommunikasjon
Opplæringssenteret for visuell kommunikasjon, is a training office that educates young and adults to become skilled professionals within media companies and the graphic industry.
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The Quartz Corp
The Quartz Corp is a company that engineer rocks for a better world.
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Bankutskrift allows you to retrieve income and expenses from your bank, which are compiled into a digital account statement. You choose what you want to share and with whom you want to share.
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Kontali is the leading seafood analysis and insights provider.
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